When times are tough for a business, they’re even tougher on employees. They feel pressure and uncertainty, both of which eat into the morale of your team. As a business owner, it’s important that you not only help the business to recover but to keep the morale of your staff high too.
This is a challenge for any business owner, so if you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Here is your guide on how to improve staff morale during difficult periods.
Maintain and Improve Workplace standards
One of the most effective ways to boost morale is to maintain and improve the standards of your workplace. This shows your staff that you care and helps to keep up the appearance that things are in order.
If you’re reluctant to go through the expensive and time-consuming process of hiring staff and purchasing supplies, why not get the help of a facilities management company? They can provide the staff that you need, along with organising their training and supplies. Furthermore, they can also look after your security, landscaping, and office design needs too!
This help can free up your time to focus on your business, whilst ensuring that your staff have a safe and clean workspace each day.
Have an open door policy
When morale is low, your staff will want to voice their concerns and offer solutions when they can. In order for this to happen, however, you need to be accessible. This is where an open door policy can help. It shows your staff that you care and offers them a platform to come to you if they want to bring anything to your attention.
Furthermore, it can help you to get valuable insight and feedback to help make important decisions. If you find that people aren’t coming to you, try to offer some method of anonymous submissions for your team.
Show recognition and gratitude
One key factor that can contribute to low morals is a lack of appreciation, so it’s important to show your staff how grateful you are for them and their work. How you go about this is up to you, but simply taking this step can have a huge impact.
Some examples are saying thank you in personalized emails, taking time to acknowledge people in meetings, or even approaching them in person.
Bring people together
As the saying goes “the more, the merrier”. Bringing your staff for social occasions is a great way to help them blow off some steam and boost their morale. If your budget is limited, try to make the most of big occasions such as Christmas, otherwise, an impromptu can be great fun for your entire staff!
Ensure that people are taking breaks
Rest is essential for your team, especially during times of low morale. Ensure that your team are taking adequate breaks and getting the rest they need in order to be as productive as possible.
Final Thoughts
By following the tips in this guide, you’ll be able to boost the morale of your team in no time!